Monday, August 25, 2014

Free the True Hero of the Masses, Free KMU-Albay worker Certeza

Free the True Hero of the Masses, Free KMU-Albay worker Certeza
For reference: Vince Casilihan
Spokeperson, Karapatan-Bikol
August 25, 2014

Karapatan-Bikol condemns to the strongest terms the arrest of Hernan Certeza, spokeperson of Kilusang Mayo Uno-Albay (KMU) who joined to fight for the people against Pork Barrel during the national holiday in commemoration of National Heroes Day.

Activist Certeza is currently detained at Police Station in Sto. Domingo. He was arrested in their house about 7:00 pm after the protest rally against Pork Barrel in Albay. 

This only shows how the current administration curtails the freedom of expression and assembly of those who are critical of its policies and programs. The arrest and detention of Certeza is a clear manifestation that there is no genuine freedom in the country and, heroes who fight for it must be silenced and detained.

The arrest of KMU worker Certeza was allegedly for grave coercion during the fight for genuine power service last February 24. There is no crime committed when Certeza and other members were merely asserting their grievance against ALECO privatization which happens under EPIRA law. Certeza took active participation in the campaign against privatization of power industry and manipulation by the Board and NEA through anomalous and questioned Concession Agreement. It must be noted that members and consumers are owners and stakeholders of ALECO and can exercise their rights as such, and thus should not be prosecuted for the same.

What Certeza did is to fight for the people against a fascist and punitive administration that promotes privatization. “We demand that he must be freed now,” Casilihan urged.

National Heroes Day is for true heroes of our country, from past to present. Certeza is one of the true heroes of our country. Let’s end this kind of brutality under the Aquino administration.

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