Monday, February 25, 2013

Karapatan-Camarines Norte’s demand a year after the massacre in Barangay Malaya, Labo: Justice for Mancera family!

Press Statement

Reference: Maricel Delen
Coordinator, Karapatan-Camarines Norte
Cellphone Number: 09217917851

February 25, 2013

The year 2012 left a bloody record of human rights violations which placed the province of Camarines Norte with the most number of cases in the region. Most striking of these is the massacre of the Mancera family – father Benjamin, along with his two sons Richard and Michael. The lone survivor was Benjamin’s daughter Leonisa. The grim murders were committed a year ago in Malaya Village, Labo town, in the province of Camarines Norte.  Immediately after the crime, a Fact-Finding Mission was conducted by Karapatan-Camarines Norte, Karapatan-Bicol, and Camarines Norte People’s Organization. Evidences and testimonies clearly charge the 49th Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army as the butchers. But it is detestable that justice remains elusive because of the culture of impunity which continues to prevail in the country, most especially with regards to cases of human rights violations.

At present, conditions still allow for the worsening of human rights violations in the province as well as the whole region under Oplan Bayanihan. Peace and Development Teams continue to occupy barangays and have never brought peace nor development in the communities. Instead, their presence have resulted to 248 individuals from 19 villages in 3 towns falling direct victims to violations, as recorded by Fact Finding Missions of Karapatan.

And regardless of the Mancera Massacre’s recollection still distinct in the memories of the villagers, the 49th IB’s PDT insolently occupies the Barangay Hall of Malaya village up to the present. Troops that prowl Malaya and nearby Pag-asa belong to the 49th IB’s Charlie Company based in neighboring Barangay Dumagmang. Its commanding officer, 2nd Lt. Dominic Olayvar, is responsible for the unlawful raid on Karapatan-Camarines Norte and Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas’ provincial offices on November 22, 2010.

Likewise, Governor Edgardo Tallado and the local government’s lackluster behavior on demanding justice for human rights violations in the province disappoints the victims and their families. Worse, Tallado endorses Oplan Bayanihan, being the chairperson of the Regional Peace and Order Council. The 49th IB serves as his security force.

On the other hand, Karapatan-Camarines Norte salutes Leonisa Mancera’s courage and resolve to carry on with the demand for justice to her family. Likewise, we are inspired by the martyrdom of the late Brgy Malaya village chief Merlyn Bermas, whose magnanimity in giving protection to the Mancera survivors, led to her extra-judicial murder. Karapatan and the rest of the people’s organizations will draw inspiration from these sacrifices until justice is claimed for the state’s throngs of victims.###

To stay alive, the people must fight Oplan Bayanihan

News Release

Reference:  John Concepcion
Karapatan-Bicol Spokesperson
Cellphone Number: 09108258398
Landline Number: (054) 4956191

February 25, 2013

The struggle for life and livelihood intensifies today as thousands of Bicolanos mass up to heighten their fight against the deaths and damages that Oplan Bayanihan has inflicted upon the region. As the nation remembers EDSA I uprising, Bicolanos on the other hand will troop to government offices and military camps to demand the pull-out of soldiers from the countrysides, and call for an end to the government’s deadly counter-insurgency campaign.

 “February 25 supposedly marks the people’s triumph against Martial Law. But clearly, democracy remains chained as most of Bicol’s rural villages continue to be under the military’s control,” John Concepcion, Karapatan-Bikol Spokesperson said. The human rights organization exposes that under Oplan Bayanihan in Bicol, no less than 37 civilians have been killed by the military, and an immense loss in agricultural produce has been inflicted by the so-called Peace and Development Teams. “Peasants are being suspected of being New People’s Army supporters and are being killed. Farms are neglected because of fear, hence the worsening of livelihoods, because military operations prove deadly to villagers,”  adds Concepcion.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Peace of the Dead

A graveyard’s peace drapes the countrysides of Bicol. The muteness of peasant huts, the hush of wary gestures in the farms, the tautness of villagers’ faces – all these bespeak the dread that has crept across the barrios of the region. This silence is the dark peace of Oplan Bayanihan.

Now entering its third year, the government’s “internal peace and security plan” (a moderation for “counter-insurgency”), patterned after the US Counterinsurgency Guide of 2009, has for its ultimate objective the reduction of the “capabilities of internal armed threats…to a level that they can no longer threaten the stability of the state and civil authorities can ensure the safety and well-being of the Filipino people.” In the Bicol region, with the government having only one formidable armed opponent, Oplan Bayanihan means to “render the NPA irrelevant.” The Philippine Army’s 9th Infantry Division initiates the campaign in the region.

For the Bicolano masses however, Oplan Bayanihan only means thus: Terror and Deceit,  a two-pronged spear of brutality and psywar being thrust at the people leading to further impoverishment in a land already belonging to the country’s four poorest regions.

Terror and Deceit: A Predicament in Pairs
In the province of Albay, Oplan Bayanihan’s misleading “Peace and Development” operations have for more than two years been ravaging the interiors of Guinobatan town, and has turned a cluster of villages in the second district into a seemingly enormous military complex with large deployment of Philippine Army troops and CAFGU paramilitaries. These state forces, sustained by public money, essentially come to be private security forces for companies undertaking the construction of an international airport, and also of major eco-tourism and residential projects in the area.

In Camarines Norte, the 49th Infantry Battalion’s “Peace and Development Teams” (PDTs) disrupt the once tranquil lives of the people of Labo town’s 13 barrios – Domagmang, Malaya, Malibago, Malatap, Anameam, Macogon, Bagong Silang II, Pag-asa, Maligaya, Calabasa, Excivan, Daguit, and Maot.

Likewise, 12 villages in the town of Bato in Camarines Sur likewise suffer the afflictions of military presence. The villages of Payak, Pagatpatan, Sooc, Cotmon, Cristo Rey, Coguit, Mangga, Lubong, Salvacion, Cawacagan, Del Rosario, and Caricot have also been rounded up by the Philippine Army’s 42nd IB for Oplan Bayanihan’s storm of repression.

Villages in the towns of San Miguel, San Andres, and Virac in Catanduanes province share the same fate, as well as those in the boundaries of Bulusan and Barcelona towns in the province of Sorsogon, who have soldiers from the 31st IB occupying their barangays since September of 2012.

Needless to say, the AFP’s dismal human rights record makes its prolonged presence troubling on the part of villagers. A mere day of government soldiers raking through the countryside already spells fear and anxiety on the farmers to go to their lands, they being accosted with brusque, physical harm, and assaults to their livelihoods such as the stealing of crops and fowls from unguarded farms - thus equating military operations to loss of livelihoods.

But to simply paint a picture of menacing military patrols in the hinterlands of rural villages is to downplay the intent of Oplan Bayanihan’s focused terror. Despite the 9th ID’s platitudes on “peace and development” and “respect for human rights”, the opposite is what has been taking place. Oplan Bayanihan’s so-called “people-centered approach” is designed to impress upon the peasants the harsh consequences of advocating or supporting just struggles for land, livelihood, and other democratic rights and interests.  PDTs – on the average a squad of soldiers trained in combat, intelligence, and psywar – direct their brunt primarily on peasants and members of progressive organizations in the barrios whom they suspect to be supporters of the New People’s Army (NPA).

Various forms of human rights violations assail the victims of PDTs. From intimidation to physical harm, from illegal detention to unlawful interrogation, from torture to murder – soldiers of the 9th ID have not run out of methods in repressing Bicolano masses. In the villages of Guinobatan alone, no less than 80 individuals fell prey to the 2nd IB's PDTs just on its first month in July to August of 2011.

Emelio Odeña, a village watchman of Barangay Balite, had a knife shoved at him by a Sgt. Mariano. Novo Otico of Barangay Pood was hit in the head and legs while under interrogation. Fellow villager Oscar Pardines was hit with a rifle’s butt and was knocked in the stomach by his interrogators led by a Corporal Carpio. Village officials of Bololo and Cabaloaon were harassed into withdrawing their opposition to the PDTs’ presence, and were forced to provide materials and construct dwellings for soldiers. Rodrigo Bosquellos, also of Barangay Balite, was interrogated and illegally detained for seven hours, during which he was also denied any legal counsel and even food. Eli Oguis, a village councilman of Cabaloaon, whom the 2nd IB put under severe interrogation in August 2011, was later found headless in the muds. The list of savagery displayed by the 2nd IB in Albay goes on but is also matched elsewhere in the region where Oplan Bayanihan’s PDTs operate.

And as if all these were not terroristic enough, the Philippine Army’s 9th ID has even placed itself in the people’s midst – stockpiling weapons and occupying public structures as their barracks, and subjugating the people in their own locales of comfort and fellowships. AFP Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Emmanuel Bautista, Oplan Bayanihan’s chief architect, must have perfected in his military experience the thrashing of a people’s dignity that he and his men are now committing human rights violations – the intimidations and tortures, the unlawful detentions and cruelties – the crushing of a people’s spirits – inside barangay halls, daycare centers, chapels, and other public establishments.

All of these makes one thing very clear: that the government’s armed forces have the least respect for International Humanitarian Law which puts a premium on the protection and security of civilians in times of armed conflict; that certainly, it is not the poor and marginalized people in the region or elsewhere that they have come for to serve and protect.

With the 9th Infantry Division adept in all the functions of a repressive tool, Bicol’s countrysides would most likely illustrate the demise of democratic aspirations, with 9th ID troops posturing as butchers, but with once stifled Bicolano masses steadily breaking away from their fetters. 

If it is peace the 9th Infantry Division aims to achieve in Oplan Bayanihan, then it has certainly succeeded in doing so, if the peace it wants is the deadening of villages and the quelling of people’s aspirations.

For indeed, in over two years of the AFP’s campaign, it has not only attacked the people through brute force. It has also pursued to deflect the minds of villagers away from the roots of poverty and conflict, and has strived to distort the people’s thinking towards Oplan Bayanihan’s incredible logic.

Oplan Bayanihan absurdly believes that people are poor only because they believe that they are poor.  Their hardship is only caused by “perceptions of relative deprivation”, and is therefore no reason to protest or take up arms. Oplan Bayanihan clearly insults the people’s judgement in dispelling concrete socio-economic and socio-political concerns such as landlessness, unemployment, and injustice as motivations for dissent and armed resistance. Nonetheless, counter-insurgency fanatics aim to simply change such “perceptions of relative deprivation” through “winning the hearts and minds” of a target community.

Psywar: Altering “Perceptions”
It is in this twisted reasoning that Peace and Development Teams (PDTs) carry out their other tasks. Apart from being initiators of brutality, another focal mission of PDTs is the bombardment of diversionary schemes and even outright lies in an attempt to clear the people’s minds of the root causes of their hardships and just means of attaining progress.

In PDT-infested villages, it is commonplace for soldiers to initiate merry-making activities such as basketball tournaments, village dances and drinking sessions as though these revelries could mask the despondency of hunger that befall peasant homes. Soldiers go around with their paintbrushes beautifying waiting sheds and barangay halls, participating in token tree-planting activities, as if colors could enhance the centuries-old crudeness of production relations in the farms. Soldiers would invite residents in a “boodle-fight” meal, and transfer meager amounts of cellphone loads to students, as though these one-time gestures could provide education for the youth. Truly, the deception of Oplan Bayanihan is as plain as a rabid dog putting on a clown’s face.

Starker forms of psywar are likewise employed. During interrogations, victims are coerced into betraying their neighbors, with PDT operators sowing intrigues in order to ruin the harmonious relationships among villagers. Those who are subjected to questioning are also photographed while being forced to hold rifles, and are made to sign blank sheets of papers. These papers would later turn out to be either waivers of human rights violations, or signed surrender documents. It is noteworthy to add that military officials make a living out of misrepresenting civilians as New People’s Army (NPA) rebel returnees. Government funds supposedly allocated for such are easily pocketed by officers, with scores of peasants from each PDT-infested village being paraded as “former NPA rebels”.

Lastly, Oplan Bayanihan implements murder as the darkest of methods in instilling in the minds of the people to cast off any thought of dissent. As in the deaths of Eli Oguis, Romero Octavo, and Dalmacio dela Punta, their killers intend to ram the grim message head-on. Also, a familiar threat that has apparently become a standard operating procedure for PDT operations resonates in village round ups across the region: “Kapag inabutan namin ang mga NPA sa bahay ninyo, idadamay namin kayo!” (If we chance upon NPAs in your homes, you will not be spared!)

And alas, such wickedness has resulted in the massacre of the Mancera family in Labo town in February of 2012, when indeed, a platoon of the 49th IB under First Lieutenant Alfie Lee killed two schoolboys and their father, and left their sister severely wounded. Such was also the fate of the Lotino family in Daraga town in Albay. Accused of being NPA supporters, village councilman Wenifredo Lotino was killed together with his wife and a nephew, and the Lotinos’ daughter suffering serious gunshot wounds. In Libmanan town in Camarines Sur, likewise suspected of supporting the NPA, three members of the Bico family, along with their employee, were killed by masked soldiers. Two other witnesses were also killed.

Completing the policy of murder would be the posse of AFP propagandists scurrying towards media organizations to peddle their lies. Oplan Bayanihan being a barrage of brutality and grand psywar, military spokespersons would instinctively disown their crimes and point to the NPA. Common too are assertions that the civilian victims are NPA rebels, or that they were caught in crossfires. Still frequently driveled is to pass off the murders as common crimes, obscuring the methodization of these state murders.

But deceit is an embarrassment shoved in the AFP’s face. Testimonies and evidences belie the falsehoods that accompany each killing, attesting even more to the inclusion of murders in Oplan Bayanihan’s menu. In the extra-judicial killing of Bayan Muna member Rodel Estrellado on February 25, 2011, military reports of his death were already brandished in the media three hours earlier than his abduction which was witnessed by the public.  In Cabaloaon councilman Ely Oguis’ case,  an entanglement of lies caught military spokespersons confused as to which claim to sustain. One military unit claimed that Oguis was killed in an encounter. Another said that he was killed by the NPA for not paying taxes. Still another declared that he was an NPA tax collector killed by his comrades for not remitting his collections. Ely Oguis was in fact last seen in the company of soldiers before his death, and neighbors disprove the military’s claim of a supposed encounter between government forces and NPA rebels. In Bulan town in Sorsogon province, no less than Cesar Habla’s family asserts that the poor farmer was killed in their presence while tending to their copra production, contrary to the 8th Scout Ranger Company’s media announcement that Habla died in an encounter with rebels.

What peace indeed. What tranquility these spell for a state that tolerates no tinge of dissent. Surely, landlords in government need no longer worry about militant peasant organizations legitimately demanding lands and agricultural advancement. Capitalist lawmakers need no longer worry about militant organizations protesting unemployment and loss of livelihoods. The state has at its disposal the ferocity and duplicity of Oplan Bayanihan, thanks to the 9th Infantry Division, to subdue a discontented people.

Peace based on justice
But decades of struggle against repressive regimes in succession have sharpened the critical minds of the people and have toughened their resolve. Experience has equipped the masses to determine the anti-people natures of one counter-insurgency campaign after another. And this is Oplan Bayanihan’s fundamental weakness – it fails to win the support of the people because it does not solve age-old problems of landlessness, grinding poverty, and injustice.

More importantly, Oplan Bayanihan is faced with a resolute fight. Early on into the PDTs’ onslaught, the people of Albay staged a series of wide protests condemning Oplan Bayanihan and demanding the pull-out of the PDTs. A significant aspect of these protests, aside from being sustained, is the gathering of collective support from various parts of the region. The people’s will to carry on with their anti-militarization campaign warms up even more as they are joined by fellow peasants across the region. These supporters may be communities also suffering from the ills of Oplan Bayanihan, or those in solidarity with the struggles of their class.

The force of a people drawn together paid off when the series of protests resulted in the Albay Provincial Board issuing a resolution requiring the PDTs to vacate public establishments. Also, the Regional Office of the Commission on Human Rights was urged by these mobilizations to conduct an investigation which led to calling for an end to the grave human rights violations being committed by the 2nd IB.

Camarines Norte’s 12 villages also enjoyed the support from different sectors across Bicol when a regional Fact Finding Mission was conducted in May 2012 to further expose the atrocities committed by the 49th IB. Also in October of 2012, a regional mobilization marched along the streets of the province’ capital to demand from the government the punishment and pull-out of the 49th IB from the villages.

Much is still to be done, as even if the 2nd IB has been compelled to build their own barracks, the soldiers continue to return to public facilities in blatant disregard of lawful decisions. Much is still to be done, as the 49th IB continues to occupy 13 barrios in Labo, and as the rest of Bicol’s countrysides continue to swell with PDTs.

While Oplan Bayanihan has three more years to go, it’s demise has already been declared by the people - a demise assured not only by Oplan Bayanihan’s inherent flaws, but most of all, by the people’s resolve to further strengthen their ranks and sustain the fight against this deadly counter-insurgency campaign alongside continuing struggles for land, livelihood, and justice. ###

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Karapatan Bicol unmasks new ID system law

News Release

Vince Casilihan
Cellphone Number: 09481390488

February 19, 2013

A trashed adversary that comes sneaking under a new guise. This is how Karapatan Bicol describes House Bill 6895, the National ID System assuming a new name in "Filipino Identification System Act".

According to the human rights organization’s Vince Casilihan, the proposed law is nothing different from past regimes’ attempts at curtailing the right to privacy of the people. “The government may call it by any other name and under another pretext, but the main deal is that this National ID System violates the basic rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights of our constitution. It violates the individual’s right to privacy, to security of person and freedom of movement.”

Casilihan recalls that militant organizations have struggled alongside the broad majority of the people in opposing the creation of a database on each and every citizen, from the time of then President Fidel V. Ramos, and even until former President Macapagal-Arroyo tried to revive the project. “This National ID System means nothing more than a corrupt and abusive government spying on its citizens and keeping them under strict control,” said Casilihan.

Friday, February 15, 2013

9th Infantry Division shows perfect example on how to endanger civilians’ lives (photos)

Karapatan Bikol releases these photos taken during a Fact-Finding Mission in Labo, Camarines Norte on May 2012. The said FFM aimed to expose glaring violations of the International Humanitarian Law committed by the 9th ID’s 49th Infantry Battalion. In occupying civilian establishments (such as barangay halls, public schools, chapels, and day care centers) to serve as their barracks, 49th IB soldiers clearly put the lives of the villagers in danger. In essence, civilians are exploited as human shields in the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ war against the New People’s Army.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Costelo spits lies as his 2nd IB kills 2 civilians in 2 days

Press Statement

Reference: Vince Casilihan

February 13, 2013

Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Costelo’s minions are on a killing rampage. Less than two weeks into his command, and in a span of just two days, Costelo’s 2nd Infantry Battalion has already murdered two civilians. After mauling and shooting to death a farmer in Pio Duran town on February 11, soldiers of the 2nd IB in Brgy Tobgon, Oas matched the crime with another civilian murder in the person of Dalmacio dela Punta.

News reports as well as communications from people’s organizations in the area confirmed that a firefight ensued between government troopers and alleged NPA rebels on February 12, with the 2nd IB suffering casualties.  The victim’s family and other witnesses said that after the firefight, the soldiers arrested dela Punta at a nearby sityo, mauled and dragged him from his house, and peppered him with bullets on the way to the barrio center. He was then declared a New People’s Army rebel killed in the encounter.

The new 2nd IB commander is bloating with lies in his attempt to cover up his soldiers’ crimes - for  the plain truth that dela Punta is a civilian. He was killed in disgust of 2nd IB’s losses in the said encounter.  

It is indignant that such is Costelo’s civil-military operations after all – to systematically kill civilians in order to keep the populace terrorized and subdued, and fabricate lies to hide the atrocity.  And such is the evil of Oplan Bayanihan. The terror and impunity of the failed Oplan Bantay Laya escalates in this next counter-insurgency campaign, along with crooked psywar designs to attempt to blind the people of the AFP’s murderous nature.

Karapatan vows to exact justice for the loathsome murder of Dalmacio dela Punta. A Truth Mission is set to be organized to further expose the brutality carried out by Costelo's men. The 2nd IB's commander can expect no less than a murder case slapped against him and his soldiers.

Powerless as they are, poor peasants can only seek strength from fellow oppressed and exploited people. We call on the just and well-meaning people of Albay to aid in condemning Lt. Col. Andrew Costelo’s unsparing attack against civilians, and the impunity that envelops his counter-insurgency campaign.

Justice for Dalmacio dela Punta!

Punish Lt. Col. Andrew Costelo and his 2nd IB!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Oplan Bayanihan Kills Civilians!

Karapatan-Bikol Press Statement

Vince Casilihan

February 12, 2013

Karapatan condemns to the highest degree the killing of Romero Octavo by Lt. Col. Andrew Costelo’s soldiers in the 2nd Infantry Battalion on February 11 at 1 am in Brgy Sukip, Pio Duran, Albay.

Romero Octavo is a former NPA rebel who has decided to lay down his arms and pursue civilian life. From the time Romero settled as a civilian resident of Brgy Rawis in neighboring Jovellar town, he has since survived the daily struggles ordinary peasants confront.  As was his nature, he would assist fellow villagers in their daily endeavors, his efforts be in form of words or direct participation in farm labor. Apart from tending to his land, he joined gatherings that fight for the people’s rights, though this time on the legal front.

But Lt. Col. Andrew Costelo and his 2nd IB death squad denied Romero the chance of returning to civilian life. Costelo’s rabid adherence to AFP Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Emmanuel Bautista's Oplan Bayanihan, being 901st Brigade’s former civil-military operations (CMO) chief, exposes the AFP’s vicious counter-insurgency campaign as being ultimately deadly to civilians. On February 11, Romero Octavo was never able to enjoy the small joys of a village dance, as he was mauled and shot to death by ten fully armed masked men believed to be Costelo’s soldiers. After mercillesly killing Romero Octavo, the murderers got on their motorcyles, in full death-squad fashion, and retreated to the direction of an army camp at nearby Brgy Halabang Puro.

Costelo’s lies  as a CMO implementer secretes from his pores  while he gloats on Oplan Bayanihan’s glorification as supposed peace and development for the people. With Octavo’s killing, Costelo seems to be saying that former NPA rebels have might as well remained hiding in the mountains, because apparently civilians are the primary targets of Oplan Bayanihan. Costelo’s perceptible reasoning in having Octavo killed is that civilians who are vocal in legally fighting for their rights might as well take up arms if only to defend themselves, because apparently Oplan Bayanihan virulently snaps on any sign of dissidence. This seems to be the logic Costelo wants to convey to the people of Albay.

With Lt. Col. Andrew Costelo and his 2nd IB frantically shooting civilians as if these were their armed opponents, peace based on justice would obviously be far-fetched in this province.

Justice for Romero Octavo!

Punish Lt. Col. Andrew Costelo and his 2nd Infantry Battalion!

Stop Extra-Judicial Killings!

Stop OPLAN Bayanihan!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

On PNoy’s so-called corruption riddance: President is delusional, deceiving

News Release

Reference:Vince Casilihan

February 06, 2013 

“That the haciendero President unequivocally brags of his government’s so-called elimination of corruption tells of his probable difficulty with his mental faculties, or that he is knowingly deceiving the people for his rotten psywar intentions.” With this, Karapatan sums up its criticism of PNoy’s pronouncements made at the recent Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) 5th Global Forum in Manila.

In the said forum, PNoy exalts with gusto his government’s supposed triumphs against corruption. But for Karapatan, PNoy’s rants defy heaping cases of corruption that persist under his administration. “For one,” Vince Casilihan of Karapatan says, “corruption is innate in a country ruled by big landlords and businessmen, along with their lackeys, who exploit power and public money to gratify their greed. What we have at the moment is a rival camp commanding the key to the country’s coffers.”