Kadena Bicolandia con Manilakbayan
Press Release
References: Ptr.
Dan Balucio, Bayan Bicol
Casilihan, Karapatan Bikol
November 16, 2014
Bicolandia, express their firm solidarity with hundreds of militant marchers
from Mindanao in their Manilakbayan ng
Mindanao 2014. This archipelagic journey of the peoples of the island aims
to gather support for their struggle against massive and wanton plunder of the
environment, and the corresponding militarization of communities.

Aptly hoisting the call “Food and Peace in MindaNow”, the
march brings to the public’s attention the massive incursions by big foreign companies
in mining, energy, and agro-business. These have targeted vast lands being
tilled by peasants and Lumads, thus causing hunger and the destruction of the
sources of peoples’ livelihoods, as well as the communities and the
environment. Likewise, the call for peace befits the political situation in the
regions of Mindanao, whereby in order to quell the peoples’ protests against
plunder and destruction, and to secure foreign capitalist interests, the Aquino
government has positioned around 55 combat battalions of the Philippine Army.
Reinforcing these army battalions in attacking civilians are troops from the
PNP, vigilante groups, and paramilitary units specifically formed to assist
state forces in protecting and defending big foreign plunderers.
Manilakbayan ng Mindanao 2014 brings to the country’s seat
of government in Manila at least 300 mass leaders, human rights victims and
defenders who are Lumads, peasants, workers, women and children, church people,
and other sectors. They will be nobly spanning major provinces of The Visayas,
Bicol, and Southern Tagalog, and coordinate with solidarity activities on the
road. BAYAN-BICOL and KARAPATAN-BIKOL, along with various other cause-oriented
organizations in the region, welcome the marching delegates on Monday,
November 17 in synchronization with KADENA Bikolandia, the region’s chain of
protests against the Aquino regime’s ills. Our comrades from Mindanao, while drumming
up their struggles, will also be linking up with the common fight of the poor
and oppressed in the region.
With Bikol likewise suffering from the Aquino regime’s
economic offensives and militarization, it is righteous to stand firm alongside
the oppressed classes and sectors across the nation against our common
persecutor. Millions of Filipinos yearn to break away from the destitution and
cruelty being imposed by BS Aquino. As we gather nationwide dissent, a massive
force of the people shall impel the ouster of a loathed regime.
It is in this same light that the heretofore monthly KADENA
Bikolandia, of which BAYAN-BICOL and KARAPATAN-BIKOL are fervent campaigners,
once more links the hundreds of mass action centers in the region. While KADENA
Bikolandia supports and unites with the struggles of the peoples of Mindanao,
Bicolanos likewise shout out their condemnation of BS Aquino’s criminal
liability against the peasantry. Along with many other reproaches, we highlight
our demand for justice to the Hacienda Luisita Massacre victims, who have not
seen any perpetrator punished after ten years.
The Aquino government’s fundamental crime against the
Hacienda Luisita Massacre victims is the denial of lands to the peasantry. And
such is also the transgression afflicting the peasantry nationwide. In Bicol
alone, the bogus CARP and CARP-ER continue to dispossess farmers of their lands
through widespread cancellations of Certificates of Land Transfer, Certificates
of Land Ownership Award, and Emancipation Patents. More so, Aquino negates the
just transfer of the Php72 Billion Coco Levy Funds into the hands of coconut
farmers, and instead drools to haul the said funds into the presidential pork
Similarly, just as the peoples of Mindanao are opposing militarization,
Bicol’s communities also suffer from the brutalities and deception of Oplan
Bayanihan. With the region being one of the priority areas of this disreputable
counter-insurgency campaign, continuing violations of Human Rights and
International Humanitarian Law are being inflicted by the 9th
Infantry Division Philippine Army in its deceitful Peace and Development
Operations across the region. And also, just as Aquino allows plunder and
destruction in Mindanao, his Public-Private Partnership program in Bicol has
done nothing but auction the region’s public assets – from minerals to energy
to public utilities and services – to big foreign capitalists as well as big
compradors that belong to the presidential clique.
With the nation being plunged deeper into the mire of
poverty and injustice, it is therefore ever-righteous to carry on with our
fight in expelling BS Aquino for his grave crimes against the Filipino people. We
must defy fear and indifference and join the surge of the poor and oppressed in
taking to the streets and fighting for justice and genuine progress.
Let hundreds of marchers unite with thousands and millions
in triggering off tremors that will take down BS Aquino’s throne. Let our KADENA
Bicolandia link with the nation’s struggle and render a despised regime its
warranted ouster. ###